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Please enjoy today's episode of Eryn Does Terrible Things to Their Clit and Then Squirts a Whole Lot ?<br><br>I use a suction cup to pump my clit up nice and big and tender before tying it up with string to keep it swollen and sensitive. Then I use that sting to tie a dildo into myself, tying it off on the super tight leather belt around my waist. This means the dildo can't slide back out of me at all without pulling mercilessly on my clit....<br>When I cum I tend to push toys out of myself, hard, so this is quite the predicament I have created for myself! <br>You'll have to watch to see how it goes but my trusty Doxy Wand gets involved and it's safe to say there is quite the puddle at the end!<br><br>Private Moments is my collection of more intimate and amateur style films featuring genuine play that still would have happened without the camera
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